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St Ann's R.C. Primary School


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Welcome to St Ann’s Roman Catholic Primary School.

We are committed to the Christian education of our children in a happy, safe environment.

We strive to ensure that every child reaches their fullest potential.

We believe that when your child becomes a member of St Ann’s community they are beginning a learning journey which will lead them to being fully prepared for life’s challenges and successes.

The relationship between parents, staff and children is the foundation of life at St Ann's. As these relationships work effectively our children will become mature, confident, life-long learners.

Our staff are committed to delivering an outstanding education and aim to meet your child’s needs. Our children leave with joyful memories of life at St Ann’s.

Parents wishing to contact the school by letter can now use the letterbox on the front of the school. This will be emptied daily and will provide another way of communicating with school.

Mrs M. Noctor



Core Values and Ethos

In the light of our Mission Statement and our aims, the school strives to achieve these objectives:

  1. To encourage high expectations in work, behaviour, environment and relationships amongst all those involved in our school.
  2. To develop a wide range of teaching methods and styles which offers a variety of experiences for the children and enables them to acquire all the basic skills necessary to realise their full potential.
  3. To develop life skills that are necessary for the children to become valuable members of school and local communities.
  4. To develop within the children enquiring minds and an ability to work independently.
  5. Provide staff with adequate in-service training and resources, so that they are able to deliver the quality of experiences necessary for our children to fully develop.
  6. Plan, record and assess the progress of our children throughout the school.
  7. To collect appropriate data on each child in order that we can set realistic, challenging targets for all children in order to achieve our high standards.


Religious Education and Collective Worship

Our Catholic values can be clearly seen in all our work.  With our Religious programme, the Salford Diocesan R.E. guidelines, permeating the whole of our curriculum.  We follow the religious calendar of the church and the values embodied in this are reflected in our school assemblies and special celebrations.

In various ways the school is involved with the children, parents, parish and the wider local community.

It is expected that children will take a full and active part in the religious life of the school.  Children will be prepared for the sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist at St. Ann’s Parish Church.  Parents who have children in Year 3 should contact the church directly.


Spiritual and Moral Development

Daily acts of worship (class prayers or assemblies) are important aspects of the school.  The children’s religious education is developed through the Salford Diocesan scheme which draws on a variety of sources.  Through the ethos of the school we hope to encourage the children to develop a complete love of their faith.