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Keeping children safe is EVERYBODY'S RESPONSIBILITY.


What is Safeguarding?
  • It is ensuring children are growing up in safe and effective care.
  • it is protecting children from maltreatment.
  • it is preventing impairment of children's health and development.


Who to talk to if you have any concerns:

If you are worried about a child or have any concerns about safeguarding, please let a member of staff know that you wish to talk with our Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL) Mrs M. Noctor or Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead (DDSL) Mrs A. Gibbons or Mrs J. Grogan.  Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr P. Giblin.


How do we keep our children safe?

VISITORS: all visitors must sign in when they arrive.  They will receive a sticker which must be worn at all times.  This will allow both children and staff know that they are safe to be in school.  All visitors must remember to sign out and return their sticker to the office staff.


WHILE IN SCHOOL: If a child tells you something or you see something that concerns you, you MUST let the DSL or DDSL know.  If these are unavailable, please speak to a senior member of staff.


VOLUNTEERS: All volunteers are required to read and understood the statutory requirements and policies held in school.


MOBILE PHONES, TABLETS and other devices should not be used by visitors or volunteers in school.


PHOTOGRAPHS and recording of children is not permitted by visitors or volunteers unless permission is granted by the Headteacher.


FIRE SAFETY: In the event of a fire, emergency evacuation or lockdown (or drill) during your time in school, please follow the instructions around school or from school staff.  DO NOT collect personal belongings or re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.  PUPIL SAFETY must come first.




What is PREVENT?

PREVENT is the Government's strategy to address terrorism.  The main aim of PREVENT is to stop (prevent) people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.  Prevent focuses on all forms of terrorist threats, including international terrorism and far right extremism (among others).  The Government's PREVENT strategy is set out here: PREVENT.

We work together with the Police and LA to SAFEGUARD vulnerable individuals through the provision of advice and support and intervention projects.



The PREVENT Engagement Team of officers and Police staff aim to encourage discussion ensuring that terrorism is prevented from taking root in our communities.  They support the wider engagement activities already taking place in schools, places of worship and community groups.  Through this work they aim to strengthen communities in order to challenge ideologies and messages of hate which lead to terrorism.

For more information please visit Trafford PREVENT.


What is E-Safety?

Simply - keeping safe when online and using technology.

There are three main areas of risk



Children being exposed to harmful, illegal or inappropriate material.

Examples such as  inappropriate images, ignoring age ratings on games, films. The list could go on.....



Children being subjected to harmful online interaction with others.

Examples such as,  forms of cyber-bullying online through social media sites, email. Identity theft. The list could go on.....



How children behave and interact themselves.

Keeping their own information secure, being responsible for their own health and well-being(not spending excessive time online or gaming), The list could go on.....

At St Anns RC Primary School we aim to educate our children and empower them to ensure they stay safe and behave appropriately when online. Here are some resources and guidance to provide more information on ways parents and carers can help to keep children safe.


NSPCC - Need to know Guides

Is my child ready to be left alone?

A parents' guide to be Share Aware

Is my child ready to go out alone?


Links to further information can be found below:

Trafford Council Safeguarding Children Board




GMP PREVENT Information