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St Ann’s Curriculum Intent: Music.


At St. Ann’s our intention is to provide a Music Curriculum which allows children to experience a wide range of musical styles from a diverse range of cultures and traditions through listening and appraising activities and by studying historical influences. To offer opportunity to develop skills and confidence in singing, performing with instruments, improvisation and composition working collaboratively as part of their class or in small groups as well as alone. To recognise and be inspire by the awe and wonder of God’s creation through studying the work of composers and performers and consequently use their talents to communicate their appreciation of God’s world through the expressive language of music.

We aim to develop the children as musicians by introducing them to a variety of experiences enabling them to explore sound, create and consolidate skills through a sequence of well planned, progressive and suitably differentiated activities. We aim to foster skill development, discipline and control as a performer and listener as well as originality and creativity and expression by using music as a means of communication. Innovation and sensitivity to personal feelings and attitudes will permeate through the school environment.


Throughout the curriculum children will be given opportunities to:

  • To develop knowledge, understanding and skills.
  • To learn to perform by singing and playing instruments.
  • To learn to create music using improvisation and compositional techniques and be stimulated by the work of great composers.
  • To develop an understanding of the history of music and music of other cultures through listening, performance and composing.

We aim to raise the standards of pupils’ abilities in specific musical skills:

  • Singing
  • Performing with instruments
  • Listening and Appraising
  • Composing and Improvising
  • Historical aspects

We aim to increase opportunities for children to experience:

  • Music from different cultures and traditions
  • A range of interesting and inclusive extra curricular activities.
  • Performing experiences in the wider community: at local events, in prestigious venues, indifferent settings both religious and secular.